Horse Adventure Camp

June 23rd – June 29th

Click Here For Our Camper Application!

Spend the week with us at Hand Hoof and Heart Horse.  Hand Hoof and Heart: Where therapeutic horseback riding, animal assisted learning, and farm education come together for transformative experiences.  Work with, groom, care for, ride and grow through time with our horses.  Get twenty hugs or more each day from the kids, staff and animals. Work the animal farm, caring for a pig, goats, sheep, chickens and bunny rabbits. 

Be the hero of this story, shooting bows, playing tag, winning the horse beauty contest all while camping in the horse pasture. Our campers routinely develop enduring friendships at and through our camps. Who doesn’t want one or more people to invite to their birthday party? Kiddos get to practice forming and growing authentic relationships with both the animals and their peers in an informed and teaching-oriented environment.

The animal-assisted work within the therapeutic framework facilitates growth in emotional regulation, relational security and development in a motivating and loving environment where our kiddos are cool and being quirky or odd is a compliment. 


Hammock and tarp camping with indoor bathhouse and outdoor showers

Ages 8 and up

Max 12 campers

Aerie coordinates directly with parents, practitioners and educators providing ongoing services in order to prepare each camper for the wilderness journey and to offer follow-up regarding the camper’s response to the summer camp experience. All summer sleep away camps include:

  • Over half our direct care staff hold a Masters Degree or higher
  • 2:1 Student-to-Staff ratio
  • Treatment team consultation with involved practitioners and schools
  • Discharge summary and consultation
  • Option for a pre-camp in home visit (GA and NC) for registrations received before April 1, 2024, to familiarize the camper and parents with our staff and the trip. We find this helps reduce anxiety for both our campers and parents.

Limit of 12 campers ages 8+.


phone: 404-285-0467